Everyone, in every part of the city desires to live in a safe neighborhood where they can raise their family. Our city is fortunate to have Police Chief Frank Dixon at the helm, who oversee a highly qualified and professional police department. We should hold our Denton Police Department to a high standard and I know they welcome the challenge. Quality recruitment, training and supervision are time tested means to prevent police misconduct and mistakes. I’m 100% behind ensuring we have the resources and services in place so that every law-abiding citizen, regardless of race, has confidence in the men and woman charged to protect our neighborhoods.

As Mayor, I will preserve the diverse family-friendly community that I grew up in. Denton is growing, but sound policies can keep our close-knit culture. I will lead the council to spend wisely and invest in key growth sectors. I will continue to support the zero-based budgeting practices and sound fiscal policies.

We must invest in our roads, parks and basic city services that all attribute to our quality of life. I support building connectivity between communities so residents have safe means to drive, walk and/or bike to near by amenities. And I will continue to encourage business development to create jobs so less of our Dentonites have to commute for work so more time can be spent with families, not stuck in traffic.

Our local businesses have been hurt by the response to the pandemic. We must look at local regulations and policies that will help grow our local economy and provide jobs for our community. As we grow the commercial tax base, we can lower the tax burden on residential property. The City of Denton can become a launching point for business incubation.

â—¼Denton Mayor
â—¼Denton Mayor Pro-Tem
â—¼ Denton Councilmember, District 1
â—¼ Mentor Denton volunteer
â—¼ Planning and Zoning Commission
â—¼ Chair of the Community Development Block Grant Committee
â—¼ Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
â—¼ Kiwanis